Strategic Reports


interlink booklet[February 2010]
InterLink - International Cooperation Activities in Future And Emerging ICTs
- booklet summarising the results
- full reports

[November 2008]
2008 EC-ERCIM Seminar on ICT Security: "Engineering Secure Complex Software Systems and Services" - Seminar Report

[May 2006]
Booklet presenting the results of the "Beyond-The-Horizon" project: Anticipating Future and Emerging Information Society Technologies (updated July 2006)

The full report is availble at the B-T-H project web site

[Sept. 2005]
Comments on simplification of the 7th

[June 2005]
Response to EC Framework 7 proposals for ICT

[Nov. 2004]
EC Consultation on Future European Union Research Policy: Strategy for ICT in Europe

ERCIM-ESF Collaboration, Report of the ERCIM-PESC meeting
held at CWI, Amsterdam, May 30-31, 2002

EU-NSF strategic workshops (2001-2004)

Internet in the Mediterranean Region, a study carried out for the European Commission in 1995 [pdf]

ERCIM views on information technology in Europe, the preparation of the 5th Framework Programme and the revision of the Maastricht Treaty

Evaluation of the Tunisian research in information technology, a study carried out for the European Commission in agreement with the Tunisian "Secrétariat d'Etat à la recherche scientifique et à la technologie" (SERST).